Introducing Bolt 2.0 – Delivering proven accuracy with UI enhancements for MIS procedures. Product Details

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Read about our most frequently asked questions.


Can Bolt be used with any implant system?

The Bolt Navigation System is designed to work with virtually any pedicle screw system.

How do I get the system?

Bolt offers a unique business proposition: a zero-capital cost and maintenance-free subscription model that includes ongoing upgrades and improvements.

Who runs the system?

No waiting for reps or technicians. Complete independence from complex integrated systems. Use of Bolt Navigation System enables the surgeon to control everything, with minimal staff assistance.

Who services the system?

The system should require no service. If a unit is not functioning for any reason, a new one will be supplied the next day or sooner.

What is the accuracy of the system?

The Bolt navigation System has demonstrated accuracy equivalent to CT-Nav and superior to fluoroscopic navigation3

3 Arts M, Nijeholt G, Van Eeckhoven, Wolfs J. Accurate placement of thoracolumbar pedicle screws using a handheld iOS-based navigation device: a prospective intra-patient agreement study. Spine Journal. 2024;000:1-7.


Is any special imaging or an O-arm required to use the system?

No special imaging is required. Bolt leverages lateral and AP X-rays acquired once the patient is positioned, combined with images from their diagnostic MRI or CT.

How do I register the instruments with this system?

Bolt requires no registration.

Can I pre-plan the placement?

The Bolt system is designed so the surgeon can quickly plan intraoperatively to accommodate any changes or variances that occur during the procedure.

What if the Bolt Navigation Unit gets lost?

The Bolt Navigation unit is password protected and the company can disable the system remotely. (Bolt offers up to three replacements in a calendar year.)


What if the patient’s spine segment demonstrates a rotational deformity?

That’s OK, the system accounts for it. The Bolt system can accommodate up to 15 degrees of axial rotation without meaningful impairment to the screw accuracy.

What if the patient has scoliosis and one pedicle is more caudal than the other?

A true lateral image is necessary, thus multiple x-rays may be needed to ensure that the end plates of the vertebral body line up for each segment that will have pedicle screws. In a circumstance where the axial imaging study does not adequately show both pedicles in a single slice, separate images can be captured and labeled accordingly – L4 Right and L4 Left, for example.

Is patient data entered into the the Bolt Navigation Unit from the EMR or hospital system?

No, it is not integrated with the EMR. The Bolt system allows the user to capture images of the axial slices of levels to be operated on from the patient’s diagnostic MRI or CT scans and lateral/AP X-rays of the levels to be operated on once the patient is positioned on the table.

I like to use reverse Trendelenburg, is that OK?

Yes, as long as the lateral images captured by the Bolt system are in that orientation and the system is used while the patient is in that exact same position The patient cannot be airplaned while capturing images or using the system.

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